300.000 years ago, a small group of researchers from an ancient reptilian race called the Anu came to Earth, to study the birth of sentience in early humans.
What should have been a peaceful mission of study and non-interference, went horribly wrong.
Due to a nearby tear in the fabric of reality, powerful energies in and around our planet rise and fall in cycles of thousands of years. They are the energies that fuel what many have called true magic.
The Anu, being a strictly logical race focussed on the intellect, were initially not aware of these energies, and because they did not evolve in the presence of these energies, they could not handle them. Slowly, over time, the 300 or so members of the research crew went more and more crazy. They became anxious, paranoid, greedy, and emotionally erratic.
They tried to hide from the energies using stasis chambers and deflect it with pyramid shaped structures capped with gold - a highly conductive metal. Unfortunately, for this they needed a lot of gold. In their insanity, they abandoned their original mission, and decided the best solution would be to use the very humans whose evolution they had come to study as a work force.
Humanity was barely more than groups of primitive monkies at the time. To make them more useful, Anu scientists manipulated their DNA to speed up the evolution of sentience. Over two main manipulation events, they also increased sex drive, to repopulate the population more quickly, made humans more submissive, and decreased lifespan. For thousands of years, early humans were used as pets, as servants, as labour slaves, and later as soldiers.
The easiest way for the Anu to work with early humans, given their much more advanced technology, was to set themselves up as Gods. They created religion, set up temples, encouraged people to worship them and bring them what they needed. They set up bases, initially around the Mediterranean in countries now known as Egypt and Greece, and created great civilisations around mining operations. Initially, they were benevolent gods, bringing humanity wisdom, medicine, technology - although they made sure humanity never developed too far - and creating technological devices called the Me to help educate the people. As the Anu became more and more insane, they grew increasingly violent, aggressive and cruel - to each other, and to their humans.
Not all the Anu agreed with the way early humanity was being treated. About 1/3rd of their crew was military; they were focussed on obtaining resources and security for their own survival, no matter what the cost to an inferior species or planet. Another 2/3rd were scientists, who were equally insane at that point, but who thought the best solution was to call home and get help. There was a rebellion, a war in heaven, and the scientists were banished to the surface of Earth, to survive without technology. They are what humanity now knows as the fallen Angels.
The banished scientist learned to survive, and began to teach early humans. They became wandering wise men, helping humanity to develop technology, ways of government, and much more. Their initial goal was to build a large communications device, one that could bypass the jamming signal from the Anu ships and get a message to the homeworld, to let them know that the mission had failed horribly. The military found out and retaliated with bombardments and further violence. Some Anu sought refuge at the icy poles, in large technological complexes or underground. Many of the Earth bound Anu died, and the ones who survived were slowly hunted down over the next centuries.
Eventually, their people at the homeworld realised that something had gone wrong with the mission, and that reports had been faked. They sent a crew, which promptly also went crazy, and then another. Unable to determine from a distance what exactly had caused their logical, well-trained colleagues to lose their sanity, and unable to get closer without risking more of their people, they quarantined the area by placing a barrier around the planet. We know this today as the Van Allen belt. Earth was marked as dangerous. It was no longer possible for the Anu to return home, even if in moments of clarity they might want to.
Up in the ships, the remaining Anu Gods were also fighting each other, trying to gain more resources for themselves, stealing from each other, and eventually outright killing each other to get more power. They wore protective metal suits when going out in the open. Often, human armies were used to fight these battles. During times where the energies were strong, the Anu would go into stasis under the pyramids, leaving their priests in charge of managing the humans. During times when the energies were less chaotic, later on they often communicated through holograms, opting to no longer walk directly among the humans.
In the end, there were only two left: a manipulative, powerhungry female known mostly as Ashara (or Asthar, Istarte, Isis, Europa, Columbia ...), and her partner in crime, a brusque, aggressive male known mostly as Yahweh. She was known throughout many cultures as the goddess of love, sex and war. He was known mostly as the father of the gods, a jealous god requiring total obedience. When there was no one else left, they turned on each other.
The last several thousand years of human history and religion consists mostly of these two, the goddess and the god, playing their violent games of war on a global chess board.
2016 is the year where humanity is starting to remember these buried horrors of the past. Increasingly, the stories of the Anu involvement in human history are being translated into movies, tv show, comic books and more. They are the stories that we suddenly find interesting, the ones we pay to hear more of.
In remembering our past and the horrors of it, we will be able to let go of the pain and the trauma, and move forward as a healthy species, free of the past, ready to grow into the amazing potential that humanity has always had.