Seventh Era: The empty days

era7 despair

For the Anu calling themselves Gods, it became increasingly dangerous to have those of their own kind working against them, teaching humans and guiding them towards technological and cultural development. In their growing madness, they released a bioweapon onto the planet to wipe out all the Anu remaining on the surface.

The Anu on the ship and the moon base did not go down to the planet anymore after this time. The people on the surface did not see their Gods again. On the ship, death followed upon death, until there were only two Anu left: one male, one female, at conflict with each other. It was a time of the passing of the old Gods.

The scientists who had been cast down had been effective in their teaching of humanity. And humanity itself proved to be a more inventive and hardy race than the Anu intended.

There came a time where the military who were left in power began to fear the influence of the wandering Anu on human civilisations. They were paranoid, and concerned that the humans would get up into space and kill all of them if current developments continued.

And so, they bio-engineered a deadly disease that affected only their own kind. Rather than kill instantly, this bioweapon caused the Anu on the surface to age very quickly and become weak and confused before finally losing grip on life. Soon, there were none left.

In the very old stories of the Anu, there exist records of the Old Ones, ancient beings of great wisdom and power who keep the galaxy in harmony. They are so rarely seen that they are more myth than history. They are known to be meddlers with little regard for the policies of the physical races.

At the very end, when the last of the Anu wanderers were huddled together in a cave, waiting to die, the Old Ones came to them. They said that the cabal and the control structures that came out of them, would rule this planet for a very long time, but that eventually there would come a time – when the world was on the verge of destroying itself – that there would be a great change. At this time, the wandering Anu would have a chance to make a difference and help to set things right.

The Old Ones presented the dying wanderers with a choice, one that each of them had to make for themselves.

The one choice was to avoid further pain and to let their lives go – to move on to whatever is next, and take another life in a place far away from Earth to start over without all the suffering.

The other choice was to stay, and after death to be born again and again in the bodies of the young Earth races. Those who took this choice would struggle as the humans did, but when the time of the great change came, they would be allowed to remember who they were, and help to direct this world on its road to awakening.

For their own reasons, many took this last choice.

After all the Anu on the planet surface were wiped out, the ones up on the ship and the moonbase continued to fight with each other for power. Their struggles got increasingly violent, and the ones with the greater advantage were those who were most savage and eager to control.

Eventually, there were only two left: Ishtar and her follower Yahweh. Ishtar and Yahweh had worked together to gather all the power, and destroyed or enslaved the few of their kind who remained.

They replaced the other Gods in the mythologies of the humans. Locals were told their old Gods had lost, or were evil and should not be followed. In some cases, Yahweh and Ishtar simply took over the communications channels. Between them, they controlled humanity.

With all the other Anu out of the picture, it didn’t take long for Ishtar and Yahweh to start distrusting each other. Their paranoia and need to control was as strong as ever, and there was no one left to focus it on but each other.

They went by many names in many different cultures, but their signature was always clear. She was the goddess of sexuality, of “love”, and of war: her ways were clever, manipulative yet savage and bloodthirsty. He liked to call himself the father, allfather, or king of the gods: angry, jealous and more stupid than her, he tended to favour brawn over brains.

Neither of them was strong enough to come out the victor.

Over tens of thousands of years, the cultures controlled by the God and the Goddess fought each other.

Behind the scenes, the last two of the Anu influenced the cultures under their control and instilled a religious hatred for all the characteristics that their enemy embodied. They grew armies, and fought bitter wars. They infiltrated the power bases of the other, and tried to corrupt each other’s strongholds.

In their madness, time and human lives meant very little. Entire empires rose and fell, strong leaders seized power and conquered, then were slaughtered, as the God and Goddess pushed each other around the face of the Earth.

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