One of the most fascinating changes that we are seeing with the Mandela Effects are the changes to human anatomy. Unlike changes in spelling and logos, changes to our bodies affect every single one of us. They are initially hard to notice, because we don’t look inside our own bodies on a regular basis, but easy to verify because we’ve all learned some basic anatomy in school, and we can just poke our own body to see if it’s changed.
Changes in human anatomy are the best place to start if you want to become aware of the improvements the Mandela Effect changes have made to our world and our lives. Many of the changes seem random or ambivalent, but the changes to our body almost without exception are clearly improvements. You’ll find you’re able to do more with your body than you ever could before (more endurance, more flexibility), and you’re less vulnerable to injuries.
Here’s an incomplete list of changes to the human body. Things are still changing every day, so some of these may be different in the future, and more may be added.

- Although we all learned to put our hand on the left side of our chest when they play the national anthem, this is no longer where the heart is. Your heart is now located in the center of your chest, with only the left ventricle slightly leaning to the left. This change puts the heart perfectly in line with the heart chakra of your energy system.
- Your kidneys, which used to be around the small of your back, have moved up and are now located under your ribs. They used to be the most vulnerable part of your back, and you can still find remnants of this Mandela Effect in the rabbit punch in martial arts, and BDSM guidelines saying the lower back should not be hit, for risk of peeing blood the next day.
- The eyes now have bone all the way behind it, making it much more difficult for an injury to the soft tissue of the eyes to affect the brain.
- The nose, which used to be all cartilage, now has a bone running vertically through it, so that there is no longer a gaping nose hole in the skull and the inside of the skull is more difficult to access through the nose.
- There are now ridges at the bottom of your skull, making it harder to damage your brain if you fall backwards.
- There are indents in the bone structure around your temple, so that the rest of your skull absorbs the shock if you fall sideward. The skull behind your ear has become thicker and more protruding, protecting your Broca’s area, related to speech.
- Your mouth has slightly more space for teeth, reducing the problem many people have with wisdom teeth and making it easier for them to fit in.
- The chin in many people has become slightly more strong and square.
- The cervical vertebrae in your neck are almost twice as broad now and much more solid, making it more difficult to get whiplash. The ribcage also reaches higher up into the neck, adding extra protection and making it harder to snap someone’s neck.
- The collarbone in the front has come up higher – so it feels a bit like you’re wearing a turtleneck. It has also lost its slight curve, and comes out much further towards your shoulders.
- The shoulder joint has become more complex. There is a bone structure above the socket, making it almost impossible now for your shoulder to pop out and get dislocated.
- The elbow joint has become more closely locked together.
- The forearm has become slightly shorter, while the upper arm has become slightly longer. Since humans use their hands and fingers so much, the tendons in the forearm were more susceptible to repeated stress injuries, which is now less of a problem.
- The finger bones have gotten slightly more slender.
- The spine is now two to three times as broad. It used to consist of stacked discs, connected by tendons. Now, they are interlinked structures, with something like spikes sticking out towards the back for the attachment of stronger tendons. It is much more difficult to dislocate a disk and damage the spinal nerves. These changes make it much more difficult to injure your back, easier to carry heavy things, and yet easier to bend and be flexible.
- Your ribcage has come somewhat further down. There are no more floating ribs on the front of your ribcage, they are all attached solidly to the sternum to better protect the chest cavity and reduce the risk of punctured lungs. There are now floating ribs in the back, where there were only attached ribs before, but these reach around to give some extra protection to the relocated kidneys.
- There are knuckles on your ribs to both sides of the spine, making them more difficult to break.
- The bones of the pelvis have become a much more solid, stronger structure. The sacrum has all fused together and now is one very stable structure that is tilted slightly differently. It’s much harder to hurt your tailbone by falling on your butt. The ilum, which used to be perfectly smooth, now has more structure to it and looks like elephant ears. The pubis bones now form two neat little loops.
- The hip bone now is angled diagonally, instead of more horizontally. Old people used to get hip problems easily, because the upper leg attached into the pelvis awkwardly and in a way that did not distribute the weight very well. The weight of the body is now better redirected into the legs and the joint itself has become more complex and sturdy.
- You now take your pulse on the side of your wrist, almost under the thumb, rather than in the center of your wrist. The arteries carrying blood to your hands are nestled against and slightly under the bone, making it more difficult to commit suicide by cutting your wrists.
While many Mandela Effects seem confusing, the changes to human anatomy make it easy to see that things seem to be changing for the better. It looks as though the Mandela Effect changes are re-designing and upgrading our physical body to function better and be stronger.