The most exciting time in history
I am the angel Kirael doAni. I have worked in this world ( in these worlds, to be precise) for half a million years. And the great working is almost complete. It is a working of love, the 4th energy center, the heart.
Even in their madness, the Anu maintained a close mind-to-mind link. Harming one of their own was harmful to all of them. So when their madness and hunger for power grew, they started fighting each other - not by assaulting each other physically, but by attacking each other’s Earth bases.
To the Anu, the human city states became empires that they could build up to generate armies, using them as chess pieces to conquer one another. They played a great “chess game” that could last for entire human generations. And because humans lived so shortly in comparison to the Anu, it didn’t matter if a whole generation was wiped out in the process of a power play.
(c) 2017 Metai.
New Golden Age is an independent news portal that seeks to inform and amaze those interested in the changes going on in our world since the Shift in 2011, and the new world that is being created around us at this very moment.
In development.
On facebook: Act Always In Love
The only school where you can follow a two-year intensive program and learn the teachings of Kirael.
On facebook: @elfpath
On twitter: @elfpath
Official site of spiritual master Kirael doAni with an overview of his works, pictures and background.
On facebook: @kiraeldoani
On twitter: @kiraeldoani
In-depth information about the Meta-Intuitive Arts, which is the development and practise of true magic.
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On twitter: @meta_intuitive
On facebook: @everydaymeta
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