A: Check us out on social media. We've a facebook and twitter that are maintained, a soundcloud full of audios, and a youtube channel in development. Links below.
If you want to get in touch with the editors, tech support or have questions for press, feel free to use the contact form on the website or reach out through any of these social media. If you want to connect more personally and meet Kirael in person, that can in some cases be arranged, just let us know who you are and why you would like to meet. The house periodically takes in interns through The Elfpath Foundation, or receives visitors of like hearts.
Facebook: NewGoldenAge - here is where updates on new workings, shifts in energies and glimpses of the workings surfacing in the world are first posted. If you want to stay super on top of things, this is where you'll want to be.
Twitter: @newgoldenage22 - little updates on big changes.
Soundcloud: kiraeldoani - there's up to 300 audios here on a variety of topics. Check out the playlists to find the topic of your interest. Some, but not all, of these audios are embedded in the New Golden Age website.
Youtube: Kirael doAni - same audios, but then on youtube, for those who prefer this way of getting content. There's only a few on here for now.